Saturday 2 March 2013

Father of Nations

Now in Genesis 16 we see how since Sarai Abram's wife was barren, she gave her maid to Abraham to be his wife and so that they might have children through Hagar. Abraham consented and, they had a son Ishmael when Abraham was
86 years old.Ishmael was cast out along with his mother according to the word of God to Abraham,but God did not forget him but made him a great nation.
Ishmael became a mighty man and he settled to the south of the dead sea, east of Egypt.He had 12 sons who became princes over their villages. They gave, rise, to arabs.
One of Ishmael's daughters Mahalath was married to Esau and they rise to the Edomites.
Further details of sons of Ishmael and their descendants can be seen in the link provided .
Abraham died when he was 175 years old and was buried in Macphelah with Sarah.Ishmael and Issac buried him.
Descendants of Issac are Israel(Jacob) and Edom(Esau).
Abraham gave rise to Midianites through Keturah a wife he had after Sarah's death.
Thus according to God's promise Abraham died in a, ripe old age and became the father of many nations.
More on Jacob and his children in the, next post.

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