Friday 1 March 2013

Abraham's family

Skipping the Tower of Babel and resulting scattering of the people of the earth due to introduction of languages and the movement of continents.The people have separated and have moved to various places.
In the Ur of the Chaldees ,Mesopotamia was Nahor a descendant of Shem.

Nahor had a son Terah and other sons and daughters.

Terah had three sons he named them:

1. Abram (Abraham).
2. Nahor.
3. Haran.

Nahor took Milcah as his wife they had a son Bethuel from whom came : Laban and Rebekah ( wife of Issac)

Haran had a son whose name was Lot  from whom came the Ammonites and Moabites.

Haran died in  Ur of the Chaldees.

Nahor and his descendants stayed back at Ur  I assume.

Terah Abraham's father took Abram his son and Sarai,Lot and his wife and migrated to Haran.

Terah died at Haran.

God appeared to Abraham at Haran and told him to go to the land that He would show him i.e. Canaan.
More on Issac , Jacob, Esau in the next post.

Good day.

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