Wednesday 27 February 2013

Adam to Noah

If we were to consider the geneology of patriarchs who lived in the pre-flood era, we arrive at some conclusions that may go unnoticed at myriad occasions. People tend to omit geneologies of the Bible simply because it appears dry as to read through just names and more names.As I happened to go through Genesis 5 the other day, it made me think why not take a pen and calculate the ages of the patriarchs from Adam to Noah.When I started calculating their ages I found out to my surprise that many of them were contemporaries to each other due to their startling longevity of as long as 9 centuries, which I never knew before till now when a friend of mine told that Adam was a contemporary of Lamech (Noah's father).This had sparked my curiosity.

First I listed their life span or total number of years they lived on the earth according to the Bible.

1. Adam                     -     930 years.

2. Seth                       -     912 years.

3. Enos                      -     905 years.

4. Cainan                   -     910 years.

5. Mahaleel                -     895 years

6.  Jared                      -     962 years.

7. Enoch                    -     365 years (translated/raptured).

8.  Methuselah             -     969 years.

9.  Lamech                  -      777 years.

10. Noah                     -      950 years.

If one was to closely examine these in the order that they are written in the bible,

We can find out that :

1. Adam and his descendants were a contemporary of Lamech (Noah's father).

2. Seth (Adam's son) and his descendants was a contemporary of Noah.

3. All the patriarchs died before the flood.

4. Lamech died before the death of his father Methuselah by 5 years.

5. Methuselah died in the year of the flood or we can interpret it as : the flood came on the earth, in the year that Methuselah died.

6. Cainan died before his father Enos died.

7. The floods came upon the earth when Noah was 600 th year of his life.

8. Perhaps Noah was helped and encouraged by many of his ancestors when building the ark.

9. The floods came approximately 1712 years after the creation.

Seth and his descendants could have shared their experiences with Noah including the era before the fall passed on by Adam along with how the fall happened.
Hope these change our perspective of the book of Genesis.

More about Noah in the next post.

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